Home Shows MONKEYBIRD - Ars Memoriae

Born from a spark, the Ars Memoriae exhibition of the MonkeyBird duo is a chronicle of the passing of time and the story of crossed itineraries.

Leaving one's ties to nourish the tessitura of a subject, becoming the weaver of the thread of one's own life, to navigate on the roaring of the existence, the nomads of the stencil return in their city of complicities to expose the memories of their languages which marks a return to the sources, which a decade of activism and seals a lasting and sincere friendship.

Created in 2012, the Monkey Bird Crew (MBC) is a collective of two young artists from Bordeaux - Temor and Blow.

Stencil artists known for the precision of their line and the fineness of the cut, entirely made by hand, they are specialized in the representations of metaphysical architectures where the Bird ("Blow") and the Monkey ("Temor") cohabit. Inspired by treaties of geometry, mechanics, cosmology and astronomy, they decline their work using all sorts of mediums and supports, also using illumination and calligraphy. Furthermore, they are obsessed with reintroducing an animal presence on the walls of cities.
These animals, not so different from those present in the famous fables of La Fontaine, refer us maliciously to our own human preoccupations halfway between desire of freedom and
of elevation (symbolized by the Bird) and the material and corporal obsessions of which the man cannot free from (the Monkey).

If they invest the walls of the cities (Paris where they live, Lille, Bordeaux but also Amsterdam, New Delhi and several cities of Mexico), they also produce works on various supports of recovery (wood, metal, glass) and on paper.

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