Home Artisti Adam Parker Smith


Adam Parker Smith

United States

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Opere di Adam Parker Smith

Mountains of Ice



168 x 126 x 28cm

Disponibilità in Fiera

Nato negli Stati Uniti nel 1978. Adam Parker Smith è uno scultore di New York. Ha frequentato la Tyler School of Art di Philadelphia. Il suo lavoro è stato esposto ampiamente negli Stati Uniti e a livello internazionale in gallerie e musei tra cui Urbis, Manchester, Inghilterra, Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery, Lussemburgo, Brooklyn Museum, Derek Eller, New York, The Hole, New York, Ever Gold Gallery, San Francisco, Honor Fraser, Los Angeles, Parisian Laundry, Montreal, Galerie Sho Contemporary, Tokyo, Times Museum, Guangzhou, Cina, Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Höhe, Austria e Maraya Art Centre, Sharjah, Emirati Arabi Uniti.

Mostre personali selezionate 2016 Strutture sociali, arte negli edifici - 125 Maiden Lane, New York A Round About, Present Company, Brooklyn MirrorMirror, Eric Firestone Gallery, East Hampton Default, Honor Fraser, Los Angeles Bargain Basement, Spring/Break Art Show, New York (Curated) Sugar Talk, LVL3, Chicago Objects and Everyday Goods, Mike Weiss Gallery, New York 2015 Not a Photo, The Hole, New York A Rare Earth Magnet, Derek Eller Gallery, New York Making an Entrance, Robert Blumenthal Gallery/ LVL3, New York Colors, Louis B. James, New York Soft Core, Invisible Exports, New York Not a Painting, The Hole, New York What it Was (curated), Nurture Art, New York Makers Mark, Regina Rex, New York Green, Spring Break, New York 2014 Condividi questo! Appropriazione dopo il cinismo, Denny Gallery, New York Cemeterium, Emerson Dorsch Gallery, Miami Alpenliebe, Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-höhe, Austria Grey Area, Bergdorf Goodman window, New York