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Ispirato dalla natura e dai suoi 60 uccelli da compagnia, Hunt Slonem è rinomato per il suo inconfondibile stile neo-espressionista. È conosciuto soprattutto per la sua serie di conigli, farfalle e uccelli tropicali, nonché per le sue sculture su larga scala e i restauri di case storiche dimenticate. Le opere di Slonem si trovano nelle collezioni permanenti di 250 musei in tutto il mondo, tra cui il Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, il Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York City, il Whitney, la Miro Foundation e il New Orleans Museum of Art. Dalla sua prima mostra personale alla Fischbach Gallery nel 1977, l'opera di Slonem è stata esposta centinaia di volte a livello internazionale, da ultimo al Museo d'Arte Moderna di Mosca e al Museo di Stato Russo di San Pietroburgo. Nel 2017 e nel 2018 sarà presente al Museo Nazionale della Repubblica del Kazakistan, alla National Gallery in Bulgaria e in innumerevoli gallerie negli Stati Uniti, in Germania e a Dubai. Il suo fascino e la sua ammirazione per le destinazioni lontane sono stati un punto fermo della sua vita fin dall'infanzia. Slonem nacque nel 1951 a Kittery, nel Maine, e la posizione di suo padre come ufficiale della Marina fece sì che la famiglia si trasferisse spesso durante gli anni formativi di Hunt, compresi soggiorni prolungati alle Hawaii, in California e nel Connecticut. Continuava a cercare opportunità di viaggio durante i suoi anni da giovane adulto, studiando all'estero in Nicaragua e in Messico; queste esperienze illuminanti lo hanno imbevuto di un apprezzamento per i paesaggi tropicali che avrebbero influenzato il suo stile unico. Dopo essersi laureato in pittura e storia dell'arte alla Tulane University di New Orleans, Slonem trascorse diversi anni all'inizio degli anni '70 vivendo a Manhattan. Fu solo quando Janet Fish gli offrì il suo studio per l'estate del 1975 che Slonem fu in grado di immergersi completamente nel suo lavoro. I suoi pezzi iniziarono ad essere esposti in giro per New York, spingendo la sua reputazione e spingendolo nella esplosiva scena delle arti contemporanee della città. Ha ricevuto diverse prestigiose sovvenzioni, tra cui la Fondazione Elizabeth Greenshields di Montreal, il National Endowment for the Arts e il Progetto Artista della Cultural Counsel Foundation, per il quale ha dipinto un murale di 80 piedi del World Trade Center alla fine degli anni '70. Ricevette anche un'introduzione alla Marlborough Gallery, che lo avrebbe rappresentato per 18 anni. Mentre Slonem perfezionava la sua estetica, il suo lavoro iniziò ad apparire in spazi unici e contestuali. Nel 1995 ha terminato un enorme murale di uccelli alto 1,85 metri, che filma attraverso le pareti del Bryant Park Grill Restaurant di New York. Il suo lavoro di beneficenza ha portato a dozzine di collaborazioni, tra cui una carta da parati dei suoi famosi coniglietti progettata appositamente con Lee Jofa per la Ronald McDonald House di Long Island. Slonem continua a trarre grande ispirazione dalla storia, forgiando collegamenti palpabili con il passato attraverso la sua arte. I suoi ritratti popolari di Abraham Lincoln riformulano la figura storica come icona della pop-art, e attualmente sta lavorando a una scultura in bronzo alta tre metri dell'esploratore francese Robert De La Salle, da esporre pubblicamente in Louisiana. Eppure il progetto più ambizioso di Slonem è stata la sua missione di salvare gli edifici storici americani spesso dimenticati. Realizzando che troppe delle gemme architettoniche del paese sono andate in rovina, Slonem si è trovato attratto da questi punti di riferimento nazionali, ispirato dalla profondità della loro età e dalla bellezza del vecchio mondo. Tra i suoi successi ci sono i restauri della Cordt' s Mansion a Kingston, New York; le piantagioni di Lakeside e Albania della Louisiana; e l'Armeria di Scranton e la villa di Charles Sumner Woolworth a Scranton, Pennsylvania. La sua sesta e ultima impresa è Belle Terre, una proprietà storica a South Kortright, New York. Numerosi libri e monografie hanno raccontato l'arte di Slonem, tra cui Bunnies (Glitterari Inc., 2014), Birds (Glitterati Inc., 2017) e Hunt Slonem: An Art Rich and Strange (Harry N. Abrams, 2002). I suoi studi e case sono stati profilati in libri come When Art Meets Design (Assouline Publishing, 2014) e Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem (powerHouse Books, 2007), tra gli altri. Il suo ultimo sarà Gatekeeper (Assouline Publishing), che mostrerà la sua bonifica dell'Armeria di Scranton e la sua transizione "dalle armi all'arte".
Ruffin Costello, Sarah. "Gatekeeper World of Folly by Hunt Slonem". Assouline Publishing: New York -2018
Lawrence, Vanessa. “Things He Can’t Live Without”. ELLE Décor. Pg. 102. June 2018
"Birds", Glitterati Publishing / Authors Hunt Slonem, Foreword by Jacqueline Bograd Weld & Essay by Anthony Haden-Gues
Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg Exhibition Catalogue/ Author Hunt Slonem, Essays by Anthony Haden-Guest and Anton Uspensky, Palace Editions
Baycrest Foundation. "The Brain Project" Baycrest Foundation: Toronto, 2017. P. 94. Ill.
Artsy Editors. "Inside Hunt Slonem’s Studio, a Peaceful Kingdom of Animals and Art" Artsy.net February 17, 2017
"Behind Artist Hunt Slonem’s Obsession With Birds". Galleriemagazine May 12 2017
Carreon, Blue. "The Artist Hunt Slonem And His Fascination With Birds", Forbes.Com May 13, 2017
Bozeman, Kelli. "Hunt Slonem:Antebellum Pop!",InRegister. June. P. 44. Ill.
Editors Of New York Magazine. "High Brow, Low Brow, Brilliant, Despicable: 50 Years Of New York". Simon & Schuster: New York, 2017. P. 249. Ill.
Gunnerson, Tate. "Forever Young". Luxe Interiors July/August. Cover & P. 339 Ill.
Helander, Bruce. "Pooling Our Resources", Art Hive. Summer. P. 61 & 62. Ill.
"In Birds, An Acclaimed Artist Finds Both Companions And Muses", Meghan Bartels. Audubon.Org. April 25, 2017.
Vogl, Sydney. "Hunt Slonem: A Force Of Nature", Art Of The Times. Winter 2017. Cover & P. 2-5. Ill.
The Martin Z. Margulies Collection Of Painting And Sculpture
Seipel, Joseph H. Anderson Gallery: 45 Years Of Art On The Edge. School Of The Arts,Virginia Commonwealth University. P. 80 Ill.
Cregan, Lisa. "House Call", House Beautiful. February. P. 68 & 71. Ill.
Laneri, Raquel. "The Ringmaster", Alexa: New York Post. April 16. P. 16 & 17. Ill.
Loos, Ted. "Host With The Most" ,Traditonal Home. May. P. 56-60. Ill.
Miller, Robin. "Pop Art Life", Louisiana Advocate. May 4. P. 1D-2D. Ill.
Yoder, Kaci. Inside The Stunning Design Of LSU MOA’s Hunt Slonem Exhibit. 225 Baton Rouge.May 24.
Thompson, Helen. "French Refresh", Luxe Magazine. May/June. P. 211 & 215. Ill.
Beuershausen, Allen. "All He Ever Wanted To Do", Influential Magazine. May/June. P. 81-85 2D. Ill.
Slonim, Jeffrey. "Seen & Heard" Hamptons Magazine. June 1.
Stephens, AnnaMaria. “Contemporary Appeal.” Modern Luxury Interiors. Spring/Summer. P. 46. Ill.
Stephen, AnnaMaria. “Treasure Hunt.” Modern Luxury: San Diego. May. P. 73 Ill.
Carlino, Nicole. “Floss Barber.” Hotel Business Design. May/June. Ill.
Kendrick, Isabella. “Selected New Editions.” Art In Print. July. Ill.
Fonk, Hans. “Hunt Slonem’s Worship Of Colorful Repetition.” Objekt Canada. May. P. 24-31. Ill.
“The Alchemy Of Art.” Singapore Tatler Homes. February. P. 148-155. Ill.
Achara, Esther Adams. “This Just In: Major Style News From Jason Wu And His Chic Bestie Diane Kruger.” Glamour.Com April 13. Ill.
Iredale, Jessica. “Jason Wu Launches Sibling Collection Grey Jason Wu.” WWD.com April 12. Ill.
Rodulfo, Kristina. “Get A Sneak Peek At Jason Wu’d New Sister Line, Grey Jason Wu.” Elle.Com April 14. Ill.
Heinzinger, Kristen. “Jason Wu Launches Sister Label, Grey Jason Wu.” FashionWeekDaily.Com April 12. Ill.
Tortura, Laura. ‘Grey Jason Wu.” Vogue.It & Vogue.Ru April 13
“Jason Wu Lance Grey Jason Wu, Sa Nouvelle Marque.” Elle.Fr April 13.
Plummer, Todd. “Grey Jason Wu Launches With Martha Hunt, Zosia Mamet, Constance Jablonski, And Miroslava Duma.” Vogue.ComJune 9. Ill.
Bass, Erin. “Antebellum Pop!” Deep South Magazine. May 3. Ill.
Seipel, Joseph H. Anderson Gallery: 45 Years Of Art On The Edge. School Of The Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University. P. 80 Ill.
“Another New Sculpture Installed On Power Boulevard.” Kenner Star. August Cover & P.19 Ill.
Gunnerson, Tate. “Forever Young.” Luxe Interiors July/August. Cover & P. 339 Ill.
Bozeman, Kelli. “Hunt Slonem:Antebellum Pop!” InRegister. June. P. 44. Ill.
Helander, Bruce. “Pooling Our Resources.” Art Hive. Summer. P. 61 & 62. Ill.
Bernard, Shane K. Teche: "A History Of Louisiana’s Most Famous Bayou". University Press Of Mississippi: Jackson, Miss., 2016. P.4 & 172.
Biggs, Caroline. “Bark Before Entering.” The New York Times, October 29. P. RE1.
Mauk, Laura. “House Of Style.” Luxe Interiors Houston November/December. Cover,& P. 236 Ill..
Terrebone, Jackie. “Inside Artist Hunt Slonem’s Magical New Brooklyn Studio.”
Architectural Digest Online. November 5th. Video Produced By Marcus Jones.
Morse, Trent. “Out Of The Studio, Onto The Wall.” 1stDibs.Com. June 8th. Ill.
Kennedy, Kerry. “Hunt Slonem’s Richly Layered Life.” Art & Design. Winter. P.64-73. Ill.
Schultz, Kimann. “Kindred Spirits: Hunt Slonem & Carmelo Blandino.” Huffington Post. May 28. Ill.
Oller, Julia. “Prolific Painter To Appear At Hawk Galleries.” Columbus Dispatch. July 24. Ill.
Katz, Anita. “Hunt Slonem Inspired By Birds, Butterflies And Bunnies.”
San Francisco Examiner. May 28. Ill.Grossnickle, Jacqueline Z. “Strokes Of Genious”
Modern Luxury. January/February P.26. Ill.
Quinlan, Adriane. “Art For Art’s Sake: Jefferson Given A Dozen Louisiana Landscapes”
Jefferson: The Times-Picayune. April 1st. P. B-1 & B-2. Ill.
Bradford, Amy. “Thrill Of The Hunt.” Elle Decoration. May. P. 27-29. Ill.
Cook, Cindi. “Life Of Reily” Hamptons Cottages And Gardens July 15. P. 92 & 95. Ill.
MacCash, Doug. “The Shapes Of Things To Come” The Times-Picayune August 9. P. A-1 & A-10. Ill.
Traweek, Lance. “Beauty Before Business” New Orleans City Business July 8.
“Teamworks @ Stewart & Stewart” Journal Of The Print World July. P. 7 & 20. Ill.
Rossbund, Krissa. “New Season”. Traditional Home September. P. 114. Ill.
Rozhin, Alexander. Hunt Slonem Paintings: Moscow Museum Of Modern Art, Glitterati
Editor’s Choice. Harper’s Bazaar Russia September P. 4 Ill.
Annett, Carole. “Out And About: Rabbiting On.”, House & Gardens UK, October. P. 88 Ill.
Bale, Lindsey. “Bunnies, Butterflies, And Mantras.” Adornomag.Com November 23. Ill.
Barman, John. Interior Design. The Monacelli Press: New York, 2015. P. 108 And 113. Ill.
Poole, Ed And Susan. “Albania Plantation.” Louisiana Plantations: Real To Reel. Ed And Susan Pool: Middletown, DE, 2015. P. 3-8.
Rozhin, Alexander. Hunt Slonem Paintings: Moscow Museum Of Modern Art, Glitterati. New York.
McLean, Virginia. Journey To The Beginning Of The World. Rapscallion Press: Enfield, England, 2015. P. 22. Ill.
Helander, Bruce. "Rabbits". New York: Glitterati Incorporated. Spring
MacAdam, Barbara A. “Birds of a Feather,” ARTnews, January, p.18, ill.
Schinck, Carole “L’ Art d’agencer L’Art,” Decormag, January/February, p. 63-67, 74, ill.
Godfrey-June, Jean. “The Beauty Closet,” Lucky, February, p. 84, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Alec and Hilaria Baldwin Make Appearance at Book Launch,” Page Six NY Post, March 27th, ill.
Sinclair, Leslie. Segreto Style. Segreto Publishing, Houston, TX. P. 14, 271, & 274. Illus.
Ludewig, Joachim. “Vogel, Autos, Schmetterlinge,” Drive, Winter, p. 60-61, ill.
Palazzi, Helena. “Art & Musing,” Modern Luxury,(Manhattan, Miami, Dallas, Scottsdale, Houston, Atlanta)
March/April, p. 102-109, ill.
Tomaine, Gina. “Hop to It,” Boston Magazine, Spring, p. 28, ill.
Cull, Deborah. “Luxe Living: Harmon-Meek Gallery Hosts Hunt Slonem reception,” Florida Weekly, March. P.16
Von Unwerth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. September 05. p.24 ill.
Fertig, Judith. “My Blue Heaven,” Kansas City Spaces, August. P.105. ill.
Assouline, Prosper & Martine. Assouline: 20 Years! Fall. P.89. ill.
Goldfrab, Brad. “The Life Eclectic,” Architectural Digest. October. p.175. ill.
Sullivan, Maureen. “Must-Do List Q & A: Hunt Slonem,” Kansas City Spaces. September. p.86-87.
Cook, Cindi. “Spreading the Love,” NYC&G. Holiday. p.87. ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Finnigan, Sean. “Butterfly Effect,” Interior Living Trends, Volume 28 No.10, Cover, p. 10, ill.
Parr-Moody, Karen. “Hunt Slonem: Collection Arrives at Customs House,” Nashville Arts, January, p. 40-41, ill.
Miller, Robin. “Painter Hunt Slonem Never Happier Than When He’s Winging It,” The Advocate, February 10th, p.5E,ill
Meek III, J. William. Images of America. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. p. 96, p.102, p.106, p.108, p.112-115, p.124, ill.
Brenner, Douglas. “A Cut Above,” Architectural Digest, September, p.202, ill.
Bradfield, Geoffrey. Artistic License. Smallwood & Stewart Press. P. 206, p. 234-235, ill.
Vilensky, Mike. “Butterflies, Birds, and Black Streaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 27-28, p. A21, ill.
Kogevinas, Vanessa. “Villa de Luxe,” Luxe Interiors,Spring. Volume 11 Issue 2, p. 190-191, ill.
Gannon, Suzanne. “Artful Dodgers,” Luxe Interiors, Winter Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 175, p. 178, ill.
Fox-Smith, James. “Variations on a Theme,” Country Roads Magazine, August, Cover, p. 36-39, ill.
Hackett, Kathleen. “Creating A Scene:Cameron Diaz’s Ultra Glam Apartment,” Elle Décor, October, p.213, ill.
“Seen,” Naples Illustrated, October, p. 157, ill.
Bergstrom, Anders. “Artist Hunt Slonem,” Journal of the Print World. October, p.27, ill.
Rodrigue, Wendy W. “The Other Side of Painting,” Lafayette, L.A.: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. p.119, p.165, ill.
Le, Vanna. “Art of the Deal,” Forbes Life, October, p. 86, ill.
Safavi, Charlotte. “Going Home,” Home & Garden Magazine, July/August, ill.
Stinson, Carter. “Crown Heights,” Room 101, Spring, p. 40-47, ill.
Harris, Taylor. “Ciano Cucina Opens in New York,” WWD, November 11, ill.
“Designer Project: Art & Space In Montreal Loft,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer, p. 32-33, ill.
Walther, Gary. “The House That Roger Built,” Boston Common, Spring 2013, p. 96, ill. & p. 101.
Cobb, Kellie. “Slonem work donated to ASU’s permanent art collection,” The Jonesboro Sun, March 31st, C1, C7, ill.
Artunc, Yapim Nilufer. “Tuy Oyunlai” Maison Francaise, April/May, p. 79, ill.
Alanson, Biricik Suden. “Hunt Slonem: Hepimiz kafeslerde yasariz,” Alfa Magazine, April 9.
Allen, Libby. “Artist Profile: Hunt Slonem’s Work,” New Orleans Living Magazine, October, ill.
Allen, Mike. “New Art at Hollins,” in “Extra,” The Roanoke Times (Virginia), January 8, ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Birds & Butterflies,” Papercity Magazine (Houston & Dallas, TX), October,
Ates, Ertugrul. “’Mabeyn Gallery’ De iki Sergi” Artam, April/May, p. 96, ill.
Bell, Zach. “Antebellum Oz,” Artlog, July 6.
Gates, Tom. “Manhattan,” Palm Beach Society, February 10-16, p. 37, ill.
Hass, Nancy. “Hamptons Classic,” ELLE Décor, December, p. 121, ill.
Ireland, Kathryn M. Timeless Interiors. Layton: Gibbs Smith, pp. 146-147, ill.
“Modern Art Matters,” Mandarin Hotel Book (Editorial), ill.
“The Morris at Twenty, Closes September 16, 2012” in “Exhibitions,”
Morris Museum of Art Quarterly Newspaper, Fall 2012, p. 4, ill.
Merve, Özaytekin. “Bird Painter Living in the Wild,” Posta.com.tr (Turkey), April 15.
Powell, Jennifer. “Introducing the World of Hunt Slonem,” in “Kravet News,” Inspired.News,
Fall 2012, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 10-11, ill.
Siegler, Mara. “Hunt Slonem’s Wonderland,” Avenue Magazine, May, p. 52-61, ill.
Thurman, Judith. “Personal History,” Architectural Digest, March, p. 79, ill.
Trebay, Guy. “In Constant Motion, With an Elusive Point,” The New York Times, September 16, “Styles” section, p 12.
Utkan, Hatice. “Discovering a Cabinet of Curiosities,” Hürriyet Daily News (Istanbul, TR), April 9. p. 53, ill.
Crow, Kelly. “Hunt Slonem’s Oddball Menagerie,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011.
Benson, Harry and Hilary Geary Ross. New York New York. Brookyn: powerHouse Books, p. 120-121, ill.
Art on the Hill: Works from the OHSU Collection. Portland: Oregon Health & Science University, p. 113, ill.
Owens, Mitchell. “Manhattan Transfer,” Architectural Digest, October.
Stein, Clare. “Lincoln is Hunt Slonem’s Marilyn,” Interview Magazine
Nasitir, Judith. “Tudor Triumph,” Elle Décor, February/March, p. 153, ill.
Lipsky-Karasz, Elisa. “Diandra Douglas Defends Herself,” Harper’s Bazaar, April, p. 174, ill.
“Multiple Choice,” in Elle Décor, November 2011.
“Petal Pusher” Lilly Pulitzer Catalogue, Spring, pp. 26-39, insert, ill.
“Mary Bird Perkins to Auction Hunt Slonem Artwork to Benefit its Five Cancer Centers,”
The Pointe Coupee Banner, April 7, p.3.
Kususto, Lauren. “Colorful Hunt Slonem Lands Near 10th,” The New York Observer, April 26.
“Amuse Bouche Limited Edition,” Napa Valley Home, Summer, p. 14, 18.
Menke, Anne. “Half Their Age,” People Magazine, April 25, pp. 6, 71, ill.
Moore, Holly. “Booked & In Person,” Paper City Magazine (Houston), November, p. 6, ill.
O’Grady, Megan. “Words of Wonder,” Vogue, December, p. 233, ill.
Davies, Roger. “Kathryn Ireland: Inside My Home,” People Magazine, October 17, p. 100, ill.
Needleman, Deborah. “Three And A Half Billion Men,” WSJ Magazine, October, Editor’s Letter Masthead, p. 18, ill.
Weidner, Elyse. “On the Town: Artful Living,” Kansas City Spaces, Holiday, p. 190, ill.
“Hunt Slonem,” Art Interview, issue 014, November.
Akar, Serra Yazi. “Ruya Apartmanda,” InStyle Home, October, p. 231-233, ill.
Hunt Slonem on the Bayou. Lafayette: Paul and Lulu Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Campion, Freddie. “Hunt Slonem,” Acne Paper, Winter 2010/2011, no.11, pp. 36-37, ill.
Morrisey, Cedric. “Zoo In My Luggage,” Russian Architectural Digest, December/January 2011, pp. 184-189, ill.
Weiss, Lois. “Between the Bricks,” New York Post, March 30, p. 34, ill.
Morrison, David. “The Kindness of Strangers,” in Brenau Window, Winter, cover, p. 12-15, ill.
DiaGiacomo, Frank. “Gatecrasher,” NY Daily News, June 8.
Shepard, Sherry P. “Exotic Inspiration,” Shreveport Times, August 17, p. C1, ill.
Nahas, Dominique. “The Worlds of Hunt Slonem” Vendome Press: New York.
Feen, Diane. “Painting With Passion” Art New Orleans Summer pp.30-35. Illus.
Kim, John. “Hunt Slonem: Stroke of Genius”. 7x7 San Francisco. January 20th.
Mills, Michael. “Check Out Slonem’s Rabbit Art at the Coral Springs Museum.”
New Times Broward/Palm Beach. January 28th.
Bronston, Barry. “New Orleans-Area Collector Goes Public With New Sculptures” The Advocate. January 4th. pp.3B ill.
Paskin, Murray. “Top Pick: Flora, Fauna, Faces & Feathers” The San Francisco Examiner, January 28th pp.24 ill.
Cheema, Sushil. “House of the Day”. Wall Street Journal January 28th
Raiser, Jennifer. “Dish, Dance & A Bit of Romance”. Nob Hill Gazette Feb.pp. 14-15.
Goodman, Wendy. “Living With a Thousand Best Friends”. New York Magazine March 8th pp. 44-47 ill.
Willie, Jill. “Streets Boast More Than Blooming Flowers” Jefferson Life Spring. p.34-35
Platt, Campion. “Made to Order”. Monacelli Press pp.15-16,23,29,68-70, 75
Steinberg, Claudia, & Miebach, Barbel. “The Art of Living” , Monacelli Press,pp. 184-195, ill..
Rushdie, Salman; Moore, Julianne; Colacello, Bob. “Indochine: Stories Shaken & Stirred” Rizzoli Publishing pp. 42-43 ill.
Sully, Susan. “The Southern Cosmopolitan: Sophisticated Southern Style”. Rizzoli Publishing. P.32 ill.
Constanta, Rusty. “Toucan Play This Game”. Times Picayune December 12th pp. A14
Siegel, Fern “Get Your Groovy On” Neiman Marcus: The Book, April, pp. 24-27, ill.
“Benefit Takes Wing” Palm Beach Daily News , April 2, 2008, pp. B4
Vandewal, David & Hay, Alexei “Metanoia”, 10 Men, Spring 2008, pp. 154-171, il.
Kennedy, Eleanora “A Well Lived Life: The Sondes”, Palm Beach Cottages & Gardens, February/March 2008, pp. 66 & 67 ill.
Peveto, Ryalnd Holmes “Painting the Town With Hunt Slonem”, Papercity February 2008, pp 10, ill.
Karni, Anne “Living: Om Sweet Om!”, Page Six Magazine, March 9, 2008, page 42
Cohen, David “Birds of a Feather Flocking Together”, New York Sun, June 12,pp. 22. ill.
“Meet Famed Artists” The Walton Sun, Santa Rosa Beach, FL July 26. Page B3.
“Ogden Opens Florida Satellite” New Orleans City Business, July 14. Page 11, ill.
Wheeler, Deborah. “A Southern Culture Debut at Watercolor” The Walton Sun, July 5.
Spaulding, Clint./Patrick McMullan Company. “The Flash” Hamptons Magazine June 20- 26 pp 37
Bancroft, Debbie. “Good Will Hunting: Birds of a Feather Fete Together” Hamptons Magazine. June 13-June 19 pp 128 ill.
Thurman, Judith; Sailor, Durston; & Bradfield, Geoffrey. “Glamorous Gesture in London” Architectural Digest. Feb. pp.184. ill.
“Best Buddies Artists” Palm Beach Society March 14-20 pp.23 ill.
Cohen, David. “Arts: Hunt Slonem” New York Sun. June 12. pp.22 ill.
Gist, Taylor. “Pet Project” Times-Picaqyune: Inside Out Louisiana. March 1. pp.24-26
McMullan, Patrick & Slonim, Jeffrey. “Society Pages” Interview Magazine August pp.134- 136 ill.
Frois, Jeanne. “Batchelor’s Resident Artist” Louisiana Life. Autumn pp.97-98 illus.
“A Cubist Approach to Art” Canvas Magazine: Art of the Middle East & Arab World. November pp.108-113 ill.
Scott, Gray & Stukenberg, Kate. “Clueless” PaperCity October. Pp.22-25, cover. Ill.
Bonnar, Karen Doss. “Opening Minds to the Power of Art” Roanoke College Magazine. Issue One pp.12-17, cover. Ill.
Hackett, Kathleen & Waldron, William. “Living Large” Elle Décor September pp.172
Abramovitch, Ingrid. & Upton, Simon. “Gloabal Impact” Elle Décor Dec. pp.144-146 ill.
Mhaae, Hpakahe. “High Creativity” Mykonos Magazine. Summer pp. 268-269, ill.
“Cuadro Museum Inaugurated” The Gulf Today: Home. Dubai, UAE pp.2 ill.
Katz, Vincent. “Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem” PowerHouse Books: New York
Gearson, Tierney. “They Really are A Scream; A Hudson River Victorian Manse is the Backdrop for a
Kooky Tweed-clad Family Outing”.
New York Magazine,The Fall Fashion Issue, August 27, pp. 92-99, ill.
Wadler, Joyce. “Southern Gothic: Ghosts Welcome.” The New York Times, May 31, ill.
Warren, Bonnie. “An Artist & His Mansions.” Louisiana Life, Summer 2007, pp. 22-24,
MacCash, Doug. “Hunt Slonem’s Art Tickles His Fancy”. Times-Picayune, Aug. 3rd, ill.
Gruber,Rick. “Hunt Slonem: Artist & Collector”. Country-Roads Magazine, September
Schillinger, Liesl. “Runway or Hallway, It’s a Matter of Flair”. The New York Times, Sunday, September 9th., ill.
McMullan, Patrick. “Glamour Girls” Patrick McMullan Company, Henry R Abrams Publishing pp. 223
Bancroft, Debbie. “Seasonal Treats” Avenue Magazine December pp.18, illus.
Coleman, Mary. “Ready for the Season” Connecticut Cottages & Gardens December pp.125
Hale, Lara. “The Art of the Party”, Kansas City Spaces, Holiday 2007 pp.168-177 ill.
Santelices, Manuel. “Laberinto de Pasiones” Casas December. pp. 22-26 illus.
“Fall Leaves” Papercity Magazine, October. Pp. 78 illrth, Ellen. “Masterpiece Theater,” Numero (Tokyo, Japan), April. Ill.
Feitelberg, Rosemary. “Bird’s Eye View: Talking Art With Hunt Slonem,” WWD, March 25. ill.
Bruno, R. Stephanie. “All Ears,” The Advocate, April 20. ill. p. 1D
Johnson, Robert. “Heartbreak Hotel,” NY Post, May 11. ill. p.17
Hoffman, Barbara. “In My Library: Hunt Slonem,” NY Post, April 20. ill. p.32
Park, Mimi Chloe. “The World According To…Hunt Slonem,” Avenue, May. ill. p. 116
Huang, Grace. “One Week In New York,” Elle Japan, May. ill.
Anspon, Catherine D. “Through The Rabbit Hole,” Paper City, April., ill. p.46
Engebrecht, Julie. “City Hosts Painter With Vibrant Persona,” USA TODAY/THE ENQUIRER, May 25. Ill. p.D8
“Great Reads: Bunnies,” Kravet Inspired News, Summer., p.32. ill.
“Quintessential: Design Monographs That Are Required Reading For Fall,” Veranda. September-October p.66. ill.
“Where to Buy: Hunt Slonem,” The Week. Septembe
2015 Accademia Russa di Arte Medaglia al Merito
2013 Louisiana State Arts Council Inaugurazione Lifetime Cultural Achievement Award, Baton Rouge, LA
2013 The Horticultural Society of New York Award of Excellence, NYC
2009 D&D' s Stars of Design, Award in Art, New York, NY
2007 ARTrageous Children' s Expressions Project, Gala Dinner and Art Auction Honoree, NY, NY
2006 Urban Stages Award for Fine Art, New York NY
1991 Fondo Nazionale per le Arti
1986 MacDowell Fellowship, Peterborough, N.H.
1984 MacDowell Fellowship, Peterborough, N.H.
1983 MacDowell Fellowship, Peterborough, N.H.
1983 Fondazione Ragdale, Lake Forest, IL
1982 Millay Colony, Austerlitz, NY
1978 Cultural Council Foundation Arts Project, NY
1976 Fondazione Elizabeth T. Greenshields,
Sovvenzione per la pittura, Montreal, Canada
1968 Rotary International Exchange Student, Managua, Nicaragua