Home Artisti Jessica Filippi


Jessica Filippi

Sarzana, Italy

4 Opere in mostra

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Opere di Jessica Filippi

Filippi Jessica was born in Sarzana in 1991 to parents from Emilia. She grew up in close contact with nature, and from an early age she showed her creative inclination by creating settings and artistic representations with the simple materials around her, such as leaves, wood and stones. When she was in high school, she wanted to undertake studies in the arts, but due to economic necessity and family problems, she soon had to abandon her studies and begin her career. He has held various jobs, some even considered to be purely masculine. Despite his different occupations, he always showed a keen sense of aesthetics and great creativity, working on fittings, shop windows, advertising, marketing and compositions. At times he made paintings and canvases to supplement his income, but he did not yet know that art would become his life.  In 2016 he moved to Fidenza(PR) , far away from his beloved sea, for love. Here he embarked on a collaboration in the building sector, initially dealing with site management and then moving on to interior design and aesthetic finishes. He thus began to design and create works and sculptures for the various settings in which he works, from villas to yachts. A succession of artistic research and analysis, accompanied by a very strong inclination towards creativity, led her to collaborate with companies specialising in steel processing and state-of-the-art 3D printing. Experimenting and refining techniques for the creation of works and sculptures. Her innate artistic vocation then took over, Jessica decided to devote herself solely to her great passion, and in 2020 she founded 'Filippi Forme d'Arte' where she designs and creates her works. To this day, she continues her artistic activity, deepening a path of research through refined and extremely contemporary materials such as metals, polymers of natural origin and exotic stones.