Home Artisti Julia Benz


Julia Benz

Wittlich, Germany

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Opere di Julia Benz

Julia Benz è una pittrice di Berlino e Heidelberg, formatasi presso la Kunstakademie Düsseldorf e l'Università delle Arti di Berlino


Laurea magistrale in Pittura presso l'Universität der Künste Berlin, Prof. Burkhard Held

2012 – 2014
Pittura presso Universität der Künste Berlin, Professor Burkhard Held

2010 – 2012
Pittura presso Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Mostre (Selezione)

"Two Solos", Affenfaust Gallery, Amburgo, Germania
"Slow Dance", Mirus Gallery, San Francisco, USA (online)
"Pop up", Galerie Gerald Hartinger, Wörthersee, Austria (G)
"For Free", Galerie Andreas Binder, Monaco di Baviera, Germania (G)
"art-hoc", Düsseldorf art Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germania (G)
"Forever21", mostra digitale con Jim Avignon, 44 Flavors, organizzata da Jim Avignon, Worldwide (G)

"Drap'Art’20", Fousion Gallery a Barcellona, Spagna (G)
"Fousion Finest", Fousion Gallery a Barcellona, Spagna (G)
"In Between Space, Time and a Pattern of Chaos", Fousion Gallery a Barcellona, Spagna (G)
"Tomorrow never knows", con Jim Avignon, Galerie Köppe Contemporary a Berlino, Germania (G)

“Vienna Art Week”, Installazione satellitare Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts, Wien
“Festival Concreto”, Mural University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza (BRA)
“Out of Mind. Just in Time.”, Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts, Wien
“Aporias”, Mirus Gallery, San Francisco (G)
Urvanity Art Fair, Fousion Gallery, Madrid (G)
“Catharsis”, Galerie Gerken, Berlino (S)

“ProAbstract”, Swinton Gallery, Madrid (G)
“Helsinki Urban Art”, Murales, Pasila, Goethe-Institut Finnland, Helsinki
“Tao Hua Tan Spring Residency”, Artist Painting Residency Shanghai, Xuancheng (Cina)
“Best of Galerie Gerken”, Galerie Gerken, Berlino (G)

Natural Space”, Galerie Gerken, Berlin (G)
“Roule Petit Ougandais”, Kolly Gallery, Zurigo (G)
“Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys”, Fousion Gallery, Barcelona (S)
“Nice to meet you too”, Die Kunstagentin, Köln (G)
“In a while Crocodile”, Plastic Murs, Valencia (S)
“What the Weekend is Gallery”, The Art Union, Alte Münze, Berlin (G)

“Jim Avignon – Rendevouz der Freunde”, Schacher – Raum für Kunst, Stuttgart (G)
“Non abbracciarmi. Hopaura.”, Die Kunstagentin Gallery, Köln (S)
“What the Weekend is Gallery”, The Art Union, Urban Spree Gallery, Berlino (G)

“Yalla! Vai a dipingere Khartoum!”, Goethe Institut Sudan, Khartoum
Art.Fair Köln, Die Kunstagentin Gallery, Köln
“Lost in Trainstation”, Heliumcowboy Artspace, Hamburg (S)
“Art Copenhagen”— Art Fair, Heliumcowboy Artspace, Kopenhagen
“Yalla” Mural for WestART, WDR, Düsseldorf
“Scope Art Basel”, Art fair, Heliumcowboy Artspace, Basel
“Das eigene Ich”, Affenfaust Gallery, Hamburg (G)
“WeLoveYouganda” – Mural at National Theater Kampala, Kampala (Uganda)

“Window Seat”, Die Kunstagentin Gallery, Köln (S)
“Down by Law”, Eichblatt Gallery, Berlin (S)
“Knotenpunkt 2014”, Affenfaust Gallery, Hamburg (G)
“Project M/4”, Urban Nation, Berlin (G)

“Everything Amazing – Nobody Happy”, Urban Spree Gallery, Berlin (S)
“The Circle Show”, Urban Spree Gallery, Berlin (G)
“Millerntor Gallery #3”, St. Pauli Stadion, Hamburg (G)
“Spring Broken”, Die Kunstagentin Gallery, Köln (S)

“Give it a second – It's going to Space”, Die Kunstagentin Gallery, Köln (G)


Julia Benz incontra Canada Goose, installazione site-specific a Berlino, Germania
Amazon Mural, Amazon Office a Monaco di Baviera, Germania
Antonymdimension, installazione e commissione privata a Vienna, Austria
Progetti nulli, Wandmalerei Home Mural Fest a Berlino, Germania
init – Mural, commissione privata für init AG a Berlino, Germania
Antonymdimension I, installazione site-specific per c/o Galerie a Berlino, Germania
Cyan Mural, ufficio Paypal a Dreilinden a Berlino, Germania

Satellite, installazione performativa site-specific per Vienna Art Week,
Azur Mural, Festival Concreto con Goethe-Institut Brazil a Fortaleza, Brasile
Malachite Mural, Wandmalerei per Metropolink Festival a Heidelberg, Germania

Street Project, dipingere il muro di Berlino per l'ambasciata tedesca in Thailandia, per conto del Goethe-Institut Thailand a Bangkok, Thailandia
FB Air Program Mural, Wandmalerei für das Facebook Office a Berlino
Sininen Mural, per Goethe-Institut Finnland a Helsinki, Finnland
Reflection Mural, Plastic Murs Gallery a Valencia, Spanien

Yalla! – Go Paint Khartoum, Workshop for Urban Arts per conto del Goethe-Institut Sudan a Khartum, Sudan
Yalla Mural, Wandmalerei für WDR West Art Television a Düsseldorf, Germania
Amiamo Youganda, Nationaltheater Kampala per Viva con Agua a Kampala, Uganda


Mai – Giu 2018 Tao Hua Tan Artist Residency (1 mese) a Xuancheng e Shanghai, Cina


Luglio 2009 Vincitore del premio della European AssociationVisual artist from the Eifel and Ardennes e.V.