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2016 Walter Storms Galerie, Monaco di Baviera, Germania
2015 Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlino, Germania
2014 Drawing and Sculpture, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, OR, USA
2012 Bartha Contemporary, Londra, UK Galerie Robert Drees, Hannover, Germania
2011 Walter Storms Galerie, Monaco di Baviera, Germania
2010 New Work, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, OR, USA
2004 Bartha Contemporary, Londra, UK Galleria L. Rubin, Milano, Italia
2003 Lemberg Gallery, Ferndale, MI, USA Rhona Hoffman, Chicago, IL, USA Studio la Città, Verona, Italia
2002 Fifth Floor Foundation, New York, NY, USA Devin Borden & Hiram Butler, Houston TX, USA Galerie Robert Drees (con Christoph Dahlhausen), Hannover, Germania
2001 Galerie Fahnemann, Berlino, Germania Bartha Contemporary, Londra, Regno Unito Walter Storms Galerie, Monaco di Baviera, Germania
2000 Studio la Città, Verona, Italia
1999 Galerie Tanit, Monaco di Baviera, Italia Galerie Windows, Bruxelles, Belgio
1998 Studio la Città, Verona, Italia Rocket Gallery, Londra, Regno Unito 1997 Galerie Tanit, Monaco di Baviera, Germania Galerie Windows, Bruxelles, Begium
1996 Galerie Tanit, Monaco di Baviera, Belgio
1994 Ausstelllungsraum Balanstrasse, Monaco di Baviera, Germania
2015 Space Invaders: Sculptors Vision, Bartha Contemporary, Londra, Regno Unito
2014 Schauwerk Sindelfingen, Ladies First!, Sindelfingen, Germania
2013 Schauwerk Sindelfingen, Incontri, Sindelfingen, Germania
2012 Works on Paper by Gallery Artist, Bartha Contemporary, London, UK Drawings and Prints from the Sammlung Schroth, Wilhelm-Morgner-Haus, Soest, Germania
2010 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Bartha Contemporary alla Temporary Gallery di Colonia, Germania
2004 Bochner - Flavin - Mangold, Robert Brown Gallery, Washington, DC
2003 Space Vehicles: Allusion Objectified, McClain Gallery, Houstion, TX, USA
2004 In Time, Ben Janssens Oriental Art & Bartha Contemporary, Londra, Regno Unito
2002 Minimal Art - Ancient China, Ben Janssens Oriental Art & Bartha Contemporary, Londra, UK Schwarz-Weiss, Walter Storms Galerie, Monaco di Baviera, Germania Zeichnungen, Galerie Fahnemann, Berlino, Germania
2001 Minimalennialism, Jim Kempner Fine Art, New York, NY, USA Xs small, Galerie Fahnemann, Berlino, Germania
2000 Carte Blanche à Hélène de Franchis, Galerie Alain Le Gaillard, Parigi, Francia The Panza di Biumo Collection - Works from the 80 's and 90’ s, American Academy, Roma, Italia
2000 Group Show, Bartha Contemporary, Londra, Regno Unito
1999 Morbida quiete e la notte, Studio la Città, Verona, Italia
1998 Nuove Contaminazioni, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Udine, Italia
1997 Graphit auf Papier - Figuration-Abstraction, Galerie Thomas von Lintel, Monaco di Baviera, Germania Fluchtgeschwindigkeit, Galerie Tanit, Monaco di Baviera, Germania The serial Attitude, Addison Gallery of American Art, Philips Academy, Andover, MA, USA
1995 Skulpturen (Studenten der Klasse Reineking), Städtische Galerie Cordonhaus, Cham, Germania Nahverkehr, Grossweidenmuhlstrasse, Norimberga, Germania Galerie Rupert Walser, Monaco di Baviera, Germania
1994 Metrica, Nuova Icona, Venezia, Italia The International Diary Show, Global-Bridge-Project, Beuerberg, Germania
1993 Entraxis, Chiostro di S.Nicolò, Lido di Venezia, Italia