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Byun Kyung-Sup è un artista coreano nato nel 1957 che vive e lavora a Gwangju, Corea. Ha studiato pittura presso il College of Fine Arts, Hongik University di Seoul, dove si è laureata nel 1980. Poco dopo si è trasferita ad Arlington, in Texas, con suo marito, dove ha dedicato il suo tempo a crescere i suoi figli. Sebbene appartenga a una famiglia benestante, non ha mai considerato il loro aiuto un ripiego e ha scelto di costruire la sua vita in modo indipendente. Durante questo periodo, ha intrapreso un lavoro come sarta, che era una delle tante identità professionali che incarnava per sostenere la sua famiglia. Fu allora che scoprì la bellezza e il dolore di un travaglio onesto, anche se scrupoloso. Fu solo 20 anni dopo che tornò in Corea per studiare Belle Arti nella Graduate School della Chonnam University di Gwangju, in Corea, e tenne di nuovo il suo pennello. Da allora, il suo lavoro quotidiano è stato incentrato sulla pittura a punti infiniti, che riflette la sua esperienza come sarta e il suo amore per le etichette. Attualmente risiede a Gwangju, in Corea, con il marito, un professore in pensione. Traduce il concetto di cucito nel suo lavoro. Ogni puntino nei suoi quadri assomiglia a un punto che richiede una pennellata precisa e decisa. Proprio come non si può semplicemente incollare un capo all'altro, e ogni capo di abbigliamento è il risultato di una significativa compilazione di punti, il suo lavoro cerca di collegare i punti apparentemente insignificanti per creare una dimensione per l'autoriflessione e per ricordare a me stesso che quello che può sembrare un piccolo punto può essere parte di un quadro molto più grande e bello.
Usando squisitamente una tecnica di pittura a punti, l'artista Byun Kyung-Sup esprime un'esperienza umana universale basata sulla sua vita in Corea e negli Stati Uniti.
“Guardando le opere di Byun Kyung-Sup che l'artista crea con puntini in diversi colori come se fossero cuciture fini, possiamo renderci conto del peso contenuto nei nostri momenti sconsiderati, e possiamo anche leggere segni di speranza al loro interno.
Punti infiniti nel suo lavoro sperano di risuonare con chiunque abbia sperimentato difficoltà e frustrazione; rappresentano un impegno a non vivere una vita di rinuncia al lavoro onesto, una decisione di non sfuggire alla sofferenza che è arrivata e la convinzione che sarà significativa anche in questo momento difficile.
Il cucito per Byun non è semplicemente la rappresentazione dell'esperienza di vita limitata alle donne nel quadro tradizionale della divisione di genere del lavoro. La sua arte va oltre il femminismo. È un'ode a coloro che sacrificano il proprio talento per sostenerne un altro, registrare la tristezza per il talento sprecato nel processo e pregare sinceramente per vedere la guarigione. Dopotutto, come una frase di Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), non c'è "anima irreprensibile (âme sans défauts)", che sia uomo o donna, coreana o non coreana. Mentre siamo confusi dalle sfumature dei Grandi Discorsi e perdiamo i fondamentali per l'umanità nel tumultuoso mercato, le opere di Byun offrono significati al piccolo momento della vita quotidiana e ce li pongono davanti con la stessa calma e meticolosità come se stesse pregando."
BFA from the College of Fine Arts, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
MFA from the Graduate School of Chonnam University, Gwangju, Korea
Completed course works in Fine Arts at the Brookhaven College, Dallas, U.S.A.
Member of Korea Women Fine Artists Association, Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Association, Korea Professionale Artists Association, Hongik Alumni Association
Displayed in (digital print): Lotte City Hotel (Seoul and Ulsan), Days Inn Hotel (Seoul)
Permanent collection at: Chonnam National University Hospital, Jeju Stone Park Obaek-Jang-Goon Gallery
Solo Exhibitions
Solo Invitation Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju)
Solo Invitation Exhibition(Jeju Store park Obaek-jang-goon Gallery, Jeju)
Solo Exhibition(N music Gallery, Gwangju)
Solo Exhibition(Conti Gallery, Soonchon)
Solo Invitation Exhibition(CNUH Gallery, Gwangju)
Solo Exhibition(Daein Gallery, Gwangju)
Solo Exhibition(GMA Gallery Seoul)
Solo Exhibition(U-square cultural center, Gwangju)
Solo Exhibition(Topohaus, Seoul)
Solo Exhibition(Gaon Gallery, Incheon)
Solo Exhibition(Moro Gallery, Seoul)
Solo Exhibition(Koongdong Gallery, Gwangju)
Group Exhibitions
Wawoo Yeol Exhibition(Gallery H, Seoul)
Professional Artists Art Festival, “Hope of East and West”(DeuYoung Museum, Gwangju)
Korea Women Artists Group Exhibition(The Chosun Ilbo Museum, Seoul)
International Women Artists Art Festival, “Motherhood-Hope of The World”(Cental House of Art Workers, Moscow, Russia)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Professional Artists “Beijing International Exchange Exhibition”(Wooki Museum, Beijing, China)
International Women Artists Art Festival, “Passage of Time”(INWAA, Ulaabaatar, Mongolia)
“Bodeumda” Exhibition(Palais de Seoul Gallery, Seoul)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Special Exhibition(Mokdam Gallery, Gwangju)
The Record of Woof and Warp Exhibition(Muan Seoungwoo Oh Museum, Muan)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Invitation Exhibition for Love Sharing(Chonnam National University Hospital Gallery, Gwangju)
Professional Artists East & West Exchange Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
International Women Artists Art Festival, “Memory & History”(ACC Creation Studio Bakryeon joho Gallery, Gwangju)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Gwangju University Museum, Gwangju)
Fine Art Exhibition: Professional Artists of National Branch Invitation Exhibition( Daegu Culture & Art Center, Daegu)
Green Sheep Dream Exibition(Beauty Museum, Gwangju)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Special Exhibition(Jami Gallery, Gwangju)
Professional Artists East & West Exchange Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Disabled and Non-disabled Persons Culture & Art Festival, “Damoogi Exhibition”(Gwangju Biennale Gallery, Gwangju)
JPG Exhibition(Spring Gallery, Gwangju)
International Women Artists Art Festival, “Space of Time Exhibition”(The Whiteaway Arcade, Georgetown, Malaysia)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Eunam Museum, Gwangju)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Gwangju University Museum, Gwangju)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition, “Walking on Dream Exhibition”(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
International Women Artists Art Festival, “Scouts: Prospest for Change”(Gwangju Folk Museum, Gwangju)
Korea Women Artists Group Exhibition(Misool Segae Gallery, Seoul)
Korea Women Artists Group Invitation Exhibition of Anjelli Museum(Anjelli Museum, Yongin)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Special Exhibition(Bakmin Museum, Bosung)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Special Exhibition, “Walking together”(Jami Gallery, Gwangju)
Professional Artists East & West Exchange Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Donation of Work of Art Special Exhibition(Chonnan National University Hospital Gallery, Gwangju)
Two Artists Invitation Exhibition of Onyou Gallery(Onyou Gallery, Seoul)
Special Exhibition of Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists, “Boda”(Jami Gallery, Gwangju)
Korea Women Artists Group Exhibition(Hangaram Museum Seoul Art Center, Seoul)
Korea Women Artists Group Traveling Exhibition in Daegu(Daegu Culture & Art Center, Daegu)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Daedong Gallery, Gwangju)
Professional Artists Group Exhibition, “East and West Dream Art Festival”(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Bakmin Museum Invitation Exhibition of Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists(Bakmin Museum, Bosung)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Chonnam National University Museum, Gwangju)
Gwangju International Contemporary Art Festival(Gwangju Biennale Gallery, Gwangju)
Disabled and Non-disabled Persons Culture & Art Festival, “Damoogi Exhibition”(Gwangju Biennale Gallery, Gwangju)
International Women Artists Festival, “Aspect do Art”(Yokohama BanKART Studio NYK, Yokohama, Japan)
“Through the eyes of the mother” Exhibition(The Korean Cultural Center, Chicago, USA)
Exhibition of Korea Women Artists Group(Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul)
Gangneung Museum of Art Invitation Exhibition of Korea Women Artists Group(Gangneung Museum of Art, Gangneung)
Sewolho Exhibition(Metro Gallery, Gwangju)
“Danjjak” Exhibition of Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists(Jimi Gallery, Gwangju)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition((Gwangju Museum of Art Sangrok Hall, Gwangju)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Okgwa Museum, Okgwa)
International Women Artists Art Festival, “Garden of Flame”(Gwangju Folk Museum, Gwangju)
Professional Artists Art Festival, “Dream of East and West”(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Professional Artists “Beijing International Exchange Exhibition”(Mudeung Gallery, Gwangju)
“Through the eyes of the mother” Exhibition(Bakryeon Gallery, Gwangju)
Bakmin Museum Invitation Exhibition of Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group(Bakmin Museum)
Is it spring yet Exhibition(Bryn Athyn College Fine Arts Building, Philadelphia, USA)
Korea Women Artists Association Exhibition(Insa Art Center, Seoul)
Special Invitation Exhibition of four Women Artists(Eunam Gallery, Gwangju)
East and West Communication with Future Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Sangrok Hall, Gwangju)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Pop Store Exhibition(Mudeung Gallery, Gwangju)
A Special Exhibition of Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists, “Eye of Creation”(Eunam Gallery, Gwangju)
The 18th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Eunam Gallery, Gwangju)
Invitation Exhibitation of Veteran Artists(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Korea Women Artists Association Exhibition (Hangaram Gallery, Seoul)
Oh Hoppy Day Exhibition(Bunny Museum, LA, USA)
Nomas Website Exhibition
A Starry Sky Exhibition(Skyeon Gallery, Seoul)
The 17th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Eunam Gallery, Gwangju)
International Women Art Exhibition(Metro Gallery, Gwangju)
Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Mudeung Gallery, Gwangju)
Young-Honam Exchange Exhibition(Geumho Gallery, Gwangju)
Invitation Exhibition of Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group(Dongbak Gallery, Yeosu)
International Women Art Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
The Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhabition(Gwangju Museum of Art Geumnamro Branch, Gwangju)
Invitation Exhibition of the Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group(Wolyagisan Museum, Hampyung)
Invitation Exhibition of Eunam Gallery(Eunam Gallery, Gwangju)
The Exhibition of Light(Tahwa River Exhibition Hall, Ulsan)
The Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Daedong Gallery, Yeosu)
A group of Four Women Artists Group Exhibition(Sian Gallery, Gwangju)
The 15th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Jari Art Gallery, Gwangju)
Invitation Exhibition of Mokpo Culture & Art Center( Mokpo Culture & Art Center, Mokpo)
The 14th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Mudeung Gallery, Gwangju)
The Gwangju-Chonnam Women Artists Group Exhibition(Nambong Gallery, Gwangju)
The 16th South Region Contemporary Art Festival(Jeju Culture Center, Jeju)
The 8th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Koongdong Gallery, Gwangju)
The Epoque Exhibition(Bakmin Museum, Bosung)
The joint Exhibition of Hwangto & Contemporary Epoque Associations(Museum of Sejong Cultural Center, Seoul)
South Region Contemporary Art Festival(Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon)
Daegu Gwangju Gwangdo Exchange Exhibition of Women Artists(Gwangdo Hyunmin Culture Center, Japan)
The 7th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Koongdong Gallery, Gwangju)
The Interpretation of Snakes Exhibition(Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju)
The 14th South Region Contemporary Art Festival(Gumi Culture & Art Center, Gumi)
The 2nd Seumim Exhibition(Gungeon Gallery, Gwangju)
The World in Female, Female in the World Exhibition(Shinsegae Gallery, Gwangju)
Contemporary Art & Korean Women 100 Years Exibition(Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon)
The 6th Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Mudeung Art Center, Gwangju)
The 15th South Region Contemporary Art Festival(Kyungnam Culture & Art Center, Chinju)
Profile of Contemporary Art: The Latter 90’s in Japan and Korea(International Art Center of Gyoto, Japan)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Gwangeun Gallery, Gwangju)
The 1st Seumim Exhibition(Gungeon Gallery, Gwangju)
The Eight Graduate Members Exhibition(Mudeung Gallery, Gwangju)
Contemporary Art & IMF Exhibition(Choheung Art Center, Gwangju)
Hongik Alumni Exhibition(Namdo Art Center, Gwangju)
The 6th Independents(National Museum of Modern Art, Seoul)
The 5th-7th Hongik Print Group Exhibition(Gwanhoon Gallery, Seoul)