Home Magazine Art Basel Miami Beach 2024, the announcement of the 283 participating galleries

The renowned art fair that brings together the world's leading galleries, artists, and collectors, has announced the initial details for its 2024 edition

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Held at the Miami Beach Convention Center under the direction of newly appointed Bridget Finn, Art Basel Miami Beach promises to be a truly global event and a dynamic showcase of contemporary art, with a particular emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity.Scheduled to run from December 6th to 8th, this year's fair will feature 283 galleries from 34 countries, with nearly two-thirds coming from the Americas and exceeding last year’s participation of 277 galleries. Among these exhibitors are 32 first-time participants, marking the largest group of newcomers since 2008. This surge reflects a new commitment to provide a platform for emerging voices. With the new minimum-sized booth option alongside a broader sliding-scale pricing system, galleries with larger booths contribute more per square meter. As a result, this year 25 galleries will debut in the main Galleries section.

Bridget Finn, in a statement, emphasized this growing necessity: “It was incredibly important that we carve out a more equitable path to participation for small and mid-sized galleries entering the main sector of this show, and the proof is in the extraordinary number of newcomers joining this edition. We remain super agile and attuned to the changing and individual needs of our galleries and their artists, and committed to creating an absolutely cannot-miss experience for them and for collectors, museums and foundations, major cultural partners, and visitors from Miami Beach and around the world.”

Sean Kelly, Art Basel Miami Beach (8–10 December 2023). Courtesy Ocula.

Among the new exhibitors are Pearl Lam Galleries, Gajah Gallery, Gallery Wendi Norris, Gallery Baton, Leeahn Gallery, and Sweetwater, hailing from diverse locations such as Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, in addition to locations like New York City and Miami. The main Galleries section will also boast a stellar lineup of blue-chip galleries, including Gagosian, Hauser & Wirth, Pace, David Zwirner, and Blum & Poe.

In addition to the Galleries section, the fair will present three additional sections: Nova, for younger galleries to exhibit works created within the past three years, showcasing the latest trends in contemporary art. Some of the galleries in this section include Silverlens, Welancora, Charles Moffett, and Soft Opening. Positions, dedicated to solo presentations of emerging artists, this section features established galleries like Proyectos Ultravioleta, Sebastian Gladstone, and Verve. Survey, which will feature presentations of work made before 2000, with a particular focus on 20th-century women artists. Survey will include presentations by Luis De Jesus and Lyles & King.

White Cube, Art Basel Miami Beach (8–10 December 2023). Courtesy Ocula. 

“The proposals in Nova, Positions, and Survey are of exceptional quality and ambition,” declared Finn, “and it’s clear that galleries in the main sector will not be holding back come December, bringing their best of the best to this all-important fair in the world’s leading art market.” Two other sections round out the fair, Kabinett and Meridians, respectively for presentations within a main booth and for large-scale works, the latter curated by Yasmil Raymond. Finally, the fair's Conversations program, organized by writer Kimberly Bradley, will return this year with a series of thought-provoking discussions and dialogues between leading figures in the art world.

Art Basel Miami Beach 2024 promises to be an exceptional event, offering a comprehensive overview of the international art scene while also providing a platform for discovery and engagement. With its diverse roster of galleries and curated sections, the fair is a must-attend event for art enthusiasts, collectors, and anyone interested in the ever-changing world of contemporary art.

Cover picture: Seung-taek Lee, Earth Play. Art Basel Miami Beach (8–10 December 2023). Courtesy Ocula. 

Written by Irene Canepa