As of last Monday, millions of Europeans have been quarantined in their own cities and many realities are temporarily closed due to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). Also, art fairs and all private and public cultural institutions have closed or have been postponed, because nothing is more important than health and safety. However, we will continue to inform our public through our Magazine and the work of our galleries on Kooness. In these challenging times, we believe that art can keep us alive and connected. This is why we will share our interviews and dialogues with Fairs and Gallery Directors, as well as Artists and Collectors.
In Paris, Drawing Now Art Fair has been postponed, and here we are with a few words by the artistic director Joana P.R. Neves.

Dear Joana, you have been conducting the role of artistic director of “Drawing Now” since 2017. You are based in London, and you work as a “connecting” curator with Paris. How did you get to be the director of the fair? When were you called?
Christine Phal approached me around that time in a really lovely manner as the founder of a fair that had already conquered the hearts of collectors and institutions. Philippe Piguet has done great work as artistic director before me so the challenge was to think of what I could bring. Beyond the obvious answer of the different network and perhaps a more international approach, I focused on an embodied and expanded idea of drawing: performance, experimentalism, a political and educational role it can take on as well. I also enjoy being close to the exhibitors and the artists, to talk about the projects beforehand because this is a medium-based art fair and all the participants question themselves all the time about the extent to which we can call a drawing on ceramic or on a computer screen a drawing. The emphasis is on the word ‘now’, which is really exciting.