Home Magazine Reinventing Puglia’s Art Scene: Former IMARFA Factory Transformed into Vibrant Art Center

The San Domenico Onlus Foundation, in collaboration with prominent public institutions, is working on a project to turn the former IMARFA marble factory into a hub for contemporary art and culture

The IMARFA industrial complex was an established center for marble and granite processing along the Torre Canne-Savelletri coastline, which has stood inactive for years. Now, the site is ready for a remarkable revival. The initiative marks a significant advancement of the San Domenico Onlus foundation's objective to foster cultural preservation and artistic expression. Marisa Melpignano, President of the Foundation, highlights how this redevelopment project fulfills the vision of Sergio Melpignano, who saw the extraordinary potential of this site years ago. The restoration project aims at the requalification of the entire area, transforming the existing buildings into a 1250-sqm exhibition space complemented by an outdoor area primed for live events.

An artwork by Michelangelo Pistoletto, titled "Love Difference", has been installed on occasion of the center’s opening. The artwork has been chosen on the occasion of the G7 due to its powerful political and social message and it will remain on display until October 20, 2024. Michelangelo Pistoletto, was the father of the Arte Povera movement and an internationally acclaimed figure in the contemporary art scene. His work invites the viewers to participate in a deeper dialogue with the world around them.

Michelangelo Pistoletto, Love Difference, 2005-2024. Courtesy the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA

This initiative has the intention of presenting a message of balance, harmony and peace among peoples – all themes at the heart of the recent G7 summit. The monumental neon installation presents twenty colorful phrases in various languages. The work was chosen for its visual impact and its expression of the artist’s belief in the transformative power of art. "Love Difference" was first conceived in 2005, and now serves as the cornerstone of the broader "Love Difference – Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Policy" initiative, launched in 2002.  Pistoletto, in his 2002 "Love Difference Manifesto," captures the complex reality that this initiative seeks to address: "On the one hand, the differences between ethnicities, religions, and cultures are, today, the cause of terrible conflicts; on the other hand, there is a dramatic situation produced by the supremacy of the powers that produce uniformity and the leveling of differences [...] Uniformity and difference are the two antagonistic terms that represent the maximum conflictual tension in the current planetary reality. A policy that leads to 'loving differences' is vital for the development of new perspectives in the entire social fabric."

Pistoletto's message resonates powerfully in a world divided by cultural and political tensions. His call to "love difference" urges us to celebrate diversity, recognize our shared values, and foster a spirit of mutual understanding. The installation's placement overlooking the Mediterranean Sea represents a crossroads of civilizations for centuries, reminding us of our shared humanity and the potential for harmonious coexistence. It empowers the message of the transformative power of art, able to transcend cultural barriers and create a dialogue that resonates across borders. It is a call to action, urging us to embrace our differences and work towards a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Michelangelo Pistoletto, Love Difference, 2005-2024. Courtesy the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA.

In addition, Pistoletto created a work titled “conTatto”, inspired by Michelangelo’s iconic “Creation of Adam”, then donated to the participants of the G7 summit. The artwork features a mirrored hand reflecting itself, creating a virtual counterpart. This symbolic gesture serves as a reminder of the balance between the natural and artificial worlds.

The inauguration of the new IMARFA center signifies not only a crucial addition to Puglia’s cultural landscape, but also a symbol of rebirth and hope for the local community.

Cover picture: Former IMARFA

Written by Irene Canepa