Home Magazine The Art of Selling - Four Steps to Successfully Sell Art to Interior Designers

Art and design are intertwined as a space needs an artwork to be personal, emotional and unique. 

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Art for interior design is one of the most essential elements a designer needs to consider. Art adds mood and contributes to the vision of the space. In the dynamic world of art and design, forging successful partnerships with interior designers can be a game changer for the art world to showcase and sell works of art. Interior designers play a pivotal role in the creation of personal spaces of clients who trust them, expecting their houses to be aligned with their tastes and aesthetic. To this end, for art consultants it is crucial to partner up with them to showcase their art and promote artworks that can give the perfect twists to a space’s walls. Of course, selling art needs strategy. Here, you will find all the essential tips necessary to ensure prosperous collaborations between interior designers and the art world consultants.


Untitled, 2019, Martín Reyna. Courtesy of IdeelArt

First, it is essential to build relationships. Networking, taking part in online forums and attending industry events are some key activities that will help art consultants to enter the designer world and partner with them to ensure collaborations. Designers are always hunting for unique pieces to enhance their project, therefore it's important to always be active in the field and get to know them. Second, a good looking portfolio or presentation of the work that has to be sold is the main element. It is essential to update works and always try to fit within the trends, being able to showcase artworks that can align with the requirements of interior designers and the projects they are following. Third, collaborations and customization can help, so that interior designers can see the ability of the art consultant to adapt to their requirements and their needs. Fourth, Social Media and websites can be specialized platforms and effective tools for sharing artworks, engaging with a community and attracting possible collaborators. 

Interior designers follow exact schemes in the choice of their works, so it is important to know what they are looking for and how they follow the process of choosing an art piece. Art has the power to transform a space from functional to personal and unique; a space that tells a story. Designers are hunting for the perfect art pieces to perfectly fit the tastes of their clients. For Design experts the color, the mood and the style of a house are the main elements they have in mind when considering the artworks they need. It is important to be informed about the diverse interior design styles and divide the art pieces into different categories to be ready to present them the possible artworks they are searching for. The possibility of offering unique art pieces is something very attractive. Often, designers are happy to choose a “one- off” piece of art that can be commissioned to an artist specifically for the personality and aesthetic of the house they are designing.


Above the Couch #1, Todd Clark, 2023. Courtesy of Art Works Gallery.

Interior design with art encompasses much more than just decorating a house. It gives a means of self-expression, validation, and conversation with an environment. Using art into interior design is a wise investment that will enhance the value and well-being of both a house and one individual. An appealing method to give a home personality is with art. To this end, art consultants need to be updated and active in the design world to embrace possible collaborations and enhance the sale of their artworks.

Cover image: S’en Aller- 01, Guillaume Moschini, 2022. Courtesy of IdeelArt.

Written by Asia Artom

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